What is an Adjective? Adjective is words that describe or modify the quality of noun or pronoun. Examples: blue, bright, tall, short, thin, good, kind, etc.
Let us make it into a sentence!
Shalsa has a pretty thick curly black hair.
Now, break down the sentence and let us know the types and order of Adjective.
Pretty - opinion
Thick - size
Curly - shape
Black - color
Here is the types and order of adjective!
1. Number/Determiner ( a, an, two, some, three, etc)
2. Opinion ( pretty, good, kind, ugly, etc)
3. Size ( long, short, small, big, etc)
4. Age ( new, old, young, ancient, etc)
5. Shape ( triangle, round, square, straight, etc)
6. Color (green, blue, red, brown, etc)
7. Origin (Indonesian, malaysian, American, western, etc)
8. Material ( metal, wooden, golden, plastic, etc)
9. Noun/Pronoun ( table, book, man, girl, etc)
We can easily remember how to arrange the adjective by memorizing the abbreviation of the type and order of adjective, that is NOSASCOMP/NOSASCOMN/DOSASCOMP.

What is Determiner? Determiner is a word that precede (come before) nouns. It is a function word in a sentence. Therefore, they do not have synonyms and antonyms. They cannot be added by “-ed” or “-est”. determiner do not carry specific definition or meaning. Example : An apple is a healthy snack.
My house is your house.
Which essay is for what class?
Two thieves stole a dozen cars.


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