A Glance of Morphology and Word Parts

A Glance of Morphology and Word Parts

A root is the part of a word that cannot be changed, and when added to creates different forms of the word:

"Walk" is a root, and can be changed in many ways: walking, walked, walker, walkie-talkie, sidewalk, walk-light, walks etc. You will never have a word related to walking where the "walk" part gets changed, so it is a root.

Most of the time the root forms a word on its own, but sometimes they do not.
complete, replete, expletive: these all have the root "plete", which happens to not be a word on its own.

A stem is the form of a word that inflections get added onto. Most of the time this will be the root. "Walk" is the form that all the inflections (grammar-affecting changes) gets added to, when you add ~ing to it, it turns into a progressive verb or a gerund. ~ed turns it perfect. ~s makes it a plural noun, or makes it agree with a singular subject.

A base is any part of a word that you can add inflections to, or that you can add prefixes/suffixes that change the meaning/part of speech. So "walk" is also a base, because it can have inflections (walking) and can be turned into different words (walker is a noun). Walker is also a base, because you can modify it inflectionally (walkers is plural), and because it can have things added to derive new words (dog-walker).

So all roots are bases because they are the smallest chunk that stays the same despite additions.

Not all bases are roots though, because sometimes the root+inflection or root+derivation goes on to take additional changes. (Walker is a base, but the root is still walk).

Stems are just bases when you are talking about inflectional changes (-ed, -ing, -s, etc.).
words and morphemes

 A morpheme is the smallest part of a word that has grammatical function or meaning (NB not the smallest unit of meaning); we will designate them in braces—{ }. For example, sawed, sawn, sawing, and saws can all be analyzed into the morphemes {saw} + {-ed}, {-n}, {-ing}, and {-s}, respectively. None of these last four can be further divided into meaningful units and each occurs in many other words, such as looked, mown, coughing, bakes. {Saw} can occur on its own as a word; it does not have to be attached to another morpheme. It is a free morpheme. However, none of the other morphemes listed just above is free. Each must be affixed (attached) to some other unit; each can only occur as a part of a word. Morphemes that must be attached as word parts are said to be bound.

Affixes are classified according to whether they are attached before or after the form to which they are added. Prefixes are attached before and suffixes after. The bound morphemes listed earlier are all suffixes; the {re-} of resaw is a prefix.

Morphemes, Allomorphs, and Morphs

In parallel with phonology, we will refer to the entity of which the three are variant representations as a morpheme, and the variant forms of a given morpheme as its allomorphs. When we wish to refer to a minimal grammatical form merely as a form, we will use the term morph. Compare these terms and the concepts behind them with phoneme, allophone, and phone. (Hint: note the use of / /, [ ],
and { }.)


Words are notoriously difficult entities to define, both in universal and in language specific terms. Like most linguistic entities, they look in two direc￾tions—upward toward larger units of which they are parts (toward phrases), and downward toward their constituent morphemes. This, however, only
helps us understand words if we already understand how they are combined into larger units or ivided into smaller ones, so we will briefly discuss several other criteria that have been proposed for identifying them.


Affix: an inflectional or derivational morpheme; to attach an inflectional or derivational morpheme to an expression.
Allomorph: variant phonological representation of a morpheme.
Base: part of word to which an affix may be attached; may but need not be
a root morpheme.
Bound morpheme: a morpheme that must be attached to another mor￾pheme.
Constituent: a unified part of a construction (e.g., of a word, phrase, or
Free morpheme: a morpheme that need not be attached to another mor￾pheme, but can constitute a word on its own.
Morph: a minimal meaningful form, regardless of whether it is a morpheme
or allomorph.
Morpheme: the smallest part of a word that has meaning or grammatical
Prefix: a bound morpheme attached before a root.
Root: the basic constituent of a word, to which other morphemes are at￾tached.
Suffix: a bound morpheme attached after a root.


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